Monday, December 21, 2009

[joy] way down in the depths of my heart

After church yesterday, we met and talked about making the season surrounding Christmas as joyful as possible by choosing to focus on the things that are most important to us and setting aside the things that are distractions or burdens.

Many of us named mini-disciplines -- things we took upon ourselves or things we cast off -- that would help keep us joyful and focused in the last days of Advent and into Christmastide.

So how is everyone doing?

I said I would stop trying to add things to my already-whirlwind trip back east, and... I successfully didn't make plans with one of my cousins, although it's hard. Part of me really does want to see everyone, even though I know that logically I can't, and that I want to be able to enjoy leisure and rest with the people I am going to see.

How about the rest of you?