Tuesday, September 22, 2009

flu shots

As I wanted in line to get my flu shot the nurse announced they couldn't give the mercury free flu shot to pregnant and breast feeding mothers. That shot is not out yet. I thought mercury was out of all shots now. I guess that is the only way to preserve the dead virus that they shoot into the muscle.

With the health care confusion I didn't make any calls to people because sometimes phones are a problem but I did write my letters. Through the Autism Society I sent a letter to Washington and our State Rep. about needing health care for all, including those with autism. My job will not cover autism because then the insurance would be too high.

There's alot of dissagreement on what should be covered when it comes to autism and they're making it very complicated. The testing and the basics should be covered but not all the different therapies. Schools can provide that. That is one of the topics that is slowing down the passing of the health care reform that will cover insurance for all.

By the way, I keep getting a phone call from the Washington D.C. area that I don't answer. I'm not sure if it's sales or political. I don't give that number out too many people. I am involved with Sierra Club and get radical on petitions.

Yes, our country is in a crisis. Now they're saying 1 out of 100 children has an autism spectrum disorder. They need to find out now what is causing this disability and plan for the future - what do we do with these adults in the work force or for those who can't work?

Shots for young children or some pollution that triggers or damages a gene in the fetus of the baby, what ever it may be, families are struggling.

Three questions:

1) Some of you don't have children but answer this anyway - do you trust the goverment in the required shots that all need before going into the public school?

2) What do you think causes autism?

3) Are you getting the swine flu shot, even though there hasn't been enough time to test it?

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Healthy habits, unhealthy habits

Two simple questions:

1) What three things did you do this week that is healthy for you body (physical), mind (emotional), or soul (spititual health)?

2) What three unhealthy things did you do this week that was unhealthy?

Sometimes we do things that are unhealthy because of habit, stress, tight on time or just tired. Priorites can get complicated when too many things are going on.

For me on question 1 - exercised, went to doctor on my elbow (tendinitis), some days ate no meat.

Question 2 - need to get more sleep, one day wanted chocolate and more chocolate, and I need to spend more time in prayer.

Answers can be simple. We're all busy. But the little things in health can go a long way and into a good habit.

On Sunday let's discuss - What do you struggle with when it comes to food? Are you an emotional eater, everything looks good, always hungry, eat on the go? Personality ties into
habits of eatting. Mental health ties into food. Discipline (will power) and control is the key to a sucessful diet.
