Thursday, November 12, 2009

Things You Learn on "Marketplace"

Just heard this during a report about the sales of big televisions: "fifty-three percent of people surveyed say getting the TV they want is more important than energy conservation."

I'm actually a little surprised that it's only fifty-three percent.

I've been looking at furniture lately, and I must say it is amazing what one can pay for a television, and of course the giant TVs must suck down a ton of juice off of the grid.

I worry that television is doing us in. People are spending ridiculous amounts of money on it--the TV itself, and then the digital cable to make everything look good. People are paying their cable bills when they can't pay their rent. That's a pretty rough set of priorities.

And I have a TV. I also have cable, though I didn't when I first moved into this apartment, because I couldn't yet afford it. I work at least one extra shift at the restaurant every month to pay for my cable, and it would probably be nice to have that time for something else. But I watch TV and want the cable.

I do wonder, often, whether the "boob tube" is just stealing my time. I can justify the History Channel, or Discovery, or PBS (but not Antiques Roadshow). But I'm watching a lot of crap, too.

In Advent I'm going to ask people to have a one week television Sabbath. I'm hoping we can do it. It worries me that I'm not sure.


  1. People forget that even when appliances like T.V. are turned off they still use electricity.

    In my family its backwards. We have a bigger screen for the computer than our T.V. (not much, just inches). We are on the computer to pay bills, Stephen's guardianship and SSI accounting is on the computer (have to show how we spend the money on him) so legal things are handy, I'm politically involved with Sierra Club - contacting Senators....Carl reads the news, I check the weather and record T.V. shows like Nova.

    I've been reading a book (lost art) called Awakening to Nature - Renewing Your Life by Connecting With the Natural World. They say many children have hyper problems because they don't go outside and are naturally deprive of the outside. There is a lack of connection to the earth and hurts us spiritually. Many are lost.

    I don't miss much T.V. working at night. Mostly there's not much on and now everthing is talk shows and reality shows. Some things are interesting to watch once. But some movies look so real like the new one 2010.I do love my Science shows.

    For now it's nap time before I go to work.


  2. We use our television only for the DVD and VHS, and when I'm living on my own I won't have a TV and don't plan to have one...

    ... that's what the computer is for. :/
